If you were principal/ teacher for a week, what would you do?


  • If you were principal for a week, what would you do? If you were a teacher for a week, what would you do?

If i was the principal of my school for a week, ill make sure that students, can have a longer lunch every single day. I would change the food at shady shack ( our school lunch cafeteria) and make it cheaper! I will change the safety of the school and make sure that the security is reinforced if there was any danger on campus. Yet, if i was a teacher for a week, which to be honest would be way better, I would give less homework to my students, and make them have breaks throughout the class, to have a bit of mindfulness against stress.

I would bring bakeries for them every time we finish a unit test, to show them that they’ve worked hard throughout the year. Though, I would grade harshly to show that I want whats best for them when they go to university or into IB. I know many of my teachers that push us to get ready for university. I actually appreciate that a lot because I as a student i would love to grow. Which means if I was a teacher  I would try to make my students grow too.

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4 thoughts on “If you were principal/ teacher for a week, what would you do?

    • Hi Ms.White,
      Thank you for checking out my blog post! I appreciate your advice and actually went to add visuals to my blog post!

      Please check it out 🙂


  1. Well done, Kemi for adding images. Where are you finding these images? You should be using the compfight plugin which comes with edublogs blogs. This makes it easy to find images and it includes the attribution.

  2. Hey kemi,

    I really liked your post, it’s something I would so as well, so I completely understand 🙂
    Your post was well written and had really nice pictures to go along with it. Keep it up!!!!

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