Game 2

Today for Game 2 I had to visit to flip boards magazines that led me to 2 peoples Edublogs post. One of the post was about junk food and health conditions. That post was really interesting because it talked about her as her personal life towards junk food. It showed me a different perspective to […]

Knocked Out

I have the strongest fear for baseball bats. When i was in middle school, i got hit by a baseball bat. Now I never wanna be playing a sport that has to do with softballs or baseball. I got knocked out for 2 minutes on the ground and I did not even know what happened […]

Part 2 of the Story

on the night of Halloween, 2 sisters got lost in the forest to get food for their parents that did not really live that far. One of the sisters got lost halfway and the other just walked on thinking the other was with her. When the sister notices that her twin got lost, she notices […]