Genius Hour Reflection

To begin with this Genius Hour Presentation was suppose to be being open minded and learning new things. The topic i researched as a Genius Hour is ‘Black Lives Matter’ and their perspective. Black Lives Matter is an activist movement from the United states (African-Americans) who fight against injustice.



I chose this topic because it’s a subject that went viral on every social media such as Instagram. I think it is important to know what’s happening around the world, and know specific events such as how ‘Black Lives Matter’ protests against police brutality and their point of view. I learnt that ‘Black lives Matter’ is not only an activist movement but also that it is an African-American community that campaigns not only about police brutality but also, against violence and systematic racism toward black people. Secondly, I’ve learnt the events that provoked this movement to come up such as the deaths of George Zimmerman and Trayvon Martin. Being capable to learn and find out what’s happening around the world helps you grow as a person because from doing that you get open minded. It help the class as a whole learn about US critical problems, and help them learn how to explore the world around them. It shows individuals how to learn about other perspectives/point of view too. Since in my Genius Hour Project I will learn how to create nice and steady videos, and find a subject also that would be easy to present mostly. I will try to show the community what can really help the world around us. To conclude, My genius hour project was all about learning my community about the ‘Black Lives Matter’ point of view. As an individual it helped me learn more about US problems. It helped me grow and be more open minded especially.


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